2019 Empowerment Brunch For African - American Women In Medicine!

Walk Into Your Destiny

2019 AAWIM Brunch is coming to a city near you!

Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Raleigh-Durham, Dallas, Houston, Orlando.

The brunch is intended to educate, empower, and enlighten African-American women in medicine through various speakers that will focus on topics such as: Relaxation & stress management (Dr. Deitrick Gorman), nutrition (Nicole Alexander, APN), continuing education, racism in the workplace, climbing the professional medical ladder, a special presentation on legal affairs, “Getting Your House in Order,” featuring Love & Hip Hop Atlanta’s, Attorney Kendra Robinson, and much more!


Our Mission is to create an environment that inspires, encourages, comforts and strengthens women in medicine and to provide them with opportunities that help them grow, embrace their faith, respect others’ beliefs, and reach their full potential both personally and professionally to make a positive difference for others and our community